all postcodes in CV11 / NUNEATON

find any address or company within the CV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV11 5AA 1 1 52.521782 -1.467336
CV11 5AG 1 1 52.524337 -1.469825
CV11 5AH 6 3 52.524636 -1.470432
CV11 5AJ 1 1 52.524352 -1.469162
CV11 5AL 27 0 52.525931 -1.470499
CV11 5AN 4 0 52.526361 -1.470051
CV11 5AP 32 2 52.527719 -1.470291
CV11 5AR 1 1 52.528644 -1.470024
CV11 5AT 29 0 52.528607 -1.471837
CV11 5AU 42 3 52.528713 -1.47331
CV11 5AX 29 0 52.52806 -1.474025
CV11 5AY 32 0 52.527724 -1.471406
CV11 5AZ 34 0 52.528035 -1.472522
CV11 5BA 5 0 52.527557 -1.474267
CV11 5BB 24 2 52.527144 -1.472282
CV11 5BD 14 2 52.527141 -1.473579
CV11 5BE 3 0 52.526906 -1.473361
CV11 5BG 40 0 52.526136 -1.472088
CV11 5BP 5 2 52.523128 -1.468823
CV11 5BS 11 8 52.523021 -1.469148